Entrepreneurial Updates
The Reno Seed Fund is in the process of raising funds with the help of a federal seed fund support grant from the
Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The goal is to fill the void of early-stage capital available to companies and drive the participation of local investors into new seed funds. The Reno Seed Fund will be the leading angel investor fund in Northern Nevada and will support over 20 new companies over the next 4 years.
Our SVP of Entrepreneurial Development, Doug Erwin, attended the Blockchain Summit in the Bay Area this past weekend along with
. He built connections with the Silicon Valley Blockchains Society that will result in numerous site visits.
Entrepreneurial Events
Innevation Center is hosting the InNEVator 2018 dinner Friday, November 16th from 5:30-7:30 to celebrate the completion of an eight week, fully funded IoT bootcamp, aimed to bring innovative ideas to the marketplace faster. This year they have three carefully selected, promising young companies participating in the program –
Soapy, and
Elva who will all pitch at the dinner. The cost is $30. Please email Crystal Harvey at
crystalh@unr.edu with your RSVP.
1 Million Cups – Every Wednesday morning from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Innevation Center.
There are several entrepreneurial events happening throughout the region! For a full calendar list, and to list your event,
check-out Reno Startup Digest.
Startup of the Month
Titan Seal puts government records in the Blockchain
If someone contests your title change or license in court, they may claim you forged those documents. Even if you present a notarized paper with a stamp or seal, those seals can be faked. Titan Seals, on the other hand, are stored on the Blockchain. Once added, records on the Blockchain can never be deleted or changed. Titan Seal ensures trust between the government and the public.
Major Investor of the Week
Western Nevada Supply, Co. – We offer a diverse line of products including Plumbing, Water Works, HVAC, Irrigation, Hydronics and Solar, Industrial (PVF), Paint along with multiple Kitchen & Bath Showrooms.
EDAWN Events
Register Now! Join us as we welcome 29 companies who have chosen to locate or expand in the Greater Reno-Sparks region in 2018! This special reception is your opportunity to celebrate quality job creation and recognize the many outstanding companies which are the backbone of our regional economy.
EDAWN’s “New & Expanded Companies
Welcome Reception”
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Tuscany Ballroom
5:00 pm: Check-In
5:30 pm: Program (begins promptly at 5:30)
6:15 – 7:30 pm: Networking Reception
Thank you to our Title Sponsors:
Thank you to our Event Sponsors:
Food Sponsor – CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Beverage Sponsor – Brycon Corporation
Award Sponsor – Stark & Associates
Program Guide Sponsor – Meadows Bank
“EDAWN’s State of the Economy – Economic Update Luncheon”
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Atlantis Casino Resort
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Invitations will be emailed as the event nears