Please make sure you have read the general awards criteria and the award category criteria before submitting your form. Visit the Existing Industry Awards page to review this information.

10th Annual EDAWN Existing Industry Awards
Is This a 3rd Party Nomination?
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Your Name

Criteria: This award is designed for small or large technology based companies which focus on the development, marketing or manufacturing of technology, or which provide technology as a service. It also includes companies that have used technology to significantly transform their business model to improve operations, customer service, and/or profitability. This may include software, hardware, cyber-security, IoT, robotics, and other tech related products and services. The company must be generating revenue to qualify.

Description required: Describe why you call yourselves a “tech company” based on the product or services you are developing, marketing, or manufacturing, what industry you serve, and how your company contributes to the economic diversity in the region. Or, describe how the application of new technology has transformed your business in the last year, with documentation of benefits.

Criteria: Company which has made significant philanthropic contributions in money, employee volunteer hours or in-kind donations, to a charitable organization or organizations in the region, or any combination of the above.

Description required: Please provide a summary and breakdown if available, of the dollars, hours and/or value of in-kind donations during the award period.  Please explain the impact your contributions are having in the community that might not occur without your support.

Criteria: Recognizes companies that have invested in innovative programs to retain, develop, encourage and reward existing employees. This category is also open to companies who have implemented special programs that support the hiring of members of the National Guard, Reserve or Veterans, or who have implemented new diversity and inclusion initiatives.  

Description required:  Please provide a description of initiatives and programs implemented, to retain, develop, encourage, and reward existing employees, or programs that support the hiring of members of the National Guard, Reserve or Veterans. If it applies, please explain the components of new diversity and inclusion practices you have implemented in the qualifying period. Please explain the benefits of the programs you have implemented.

Criteria: Recognizes companies that have 10 or less employees worldwide and are generating more than $250,000 annually in revenue. Must still be a primary company generating more than 50% of your revenues from outside the state.

Description Required: Please provide a description of your business including what you do, verify the number of employees, and confirm that your total annual revenues for the previous year exceeded $250,000.

Criteria: Company manufactures a product or provides a service which enables their customers to conserve natural resources and/or reduce their carbon footprint. Companies which have implemented resource saving and/or recycling initiatives within their Northern Nevada operations are also encouraged to participate.

Description required: If you manufacture a product or provide a service which enables your customers to conserve natural resources or have implemented your own resource saving and/or recycling initiatives, please provide a description of your product or service and quantify the benefits of the product, service or initiative, resulting in a reduction in consumption or carbon footprint versus traditional practices.

Criteria: Company is currently manufacturing a product in EDAWN’s serving territory, and has demonstrated excellence via revenue growth, sustained market share, customer satisfaction ratings, industry awards or recognition, documented process improvement, expansion into new markets, capital investment in new equipment, or has launched a new product line in the past year.

Description required: Please provide a summary of your revenue growth, description of your market share performance, customer satisfaction ratings, industry awards or recognition, measurable process improvement, capital investment in new equipment, expansion into new markets or new product line launch in the past year.

Criteria: Company has actively engaged with education partners (at any level K-16) to support and/or actively participate in programs, collaborate on curriculum, provide leadership on advisory councils, provide scholarships/ funding/donations, hire interns or apprentices, and/or is creating ongoing, collaborative engagements with education and training providers in the region.

Description required: Please describe how your company has actively engaged with education partners to support and/or actively participate in programs, collaborate on curriculum, provide leadership on advisory councils, provide scholarships, funding or donations, hire interns or apprentices, and/or create ongoing, collaborative relationships with education/training providers in the region. Please include details of your engagement and the benefits to you as the employer and to the educational institution and its students.

Criteria: This award is designed for public sector or non-profit community partners.  The Entity/Agency must have demonstrated innovative programs and active engagement as a community partner to EDAWN in a way that supports business attraction, retention, workforce development, or entrepreneurial development. Decision will be based on overall contribution to EDAWN’s achievement of its strategic objectives.


Description Required: Please provide a summary of the impact of activities that you have engaged in as a community partner to EDAWN, in support of business attraction, retention, workforce development, or entrepreneurial development and how you have helped EDAWN to achieve its strategic objectives.

Criteria: Company which has documented exemplary performance in multiple categories listed in the overall criteria and stands out as a “shining star” based on industry leadership in at least 3 out of the industry award categories, and overall contribution to the region and State.

Description Required: Please provide a detailed description as to how your company has made a significant contribution to the region and State by standing out in at least three categories for the 2021 Existing Industry Awards. The winner of this award will have demonstrated excellence and leadership through its commitment to its employees, customers, environment, educational institutions, industry and/or community.


Criteria: This award is an optional category at the CEO’s discretion, to be utilized when a local organization or entity has helped EDAWN to make a difference in the community in a unique and measurable way. Decision will be based on the entity’s contribution to an EDAWN department, program, or strategic initiative.


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Please print this form for your records. You will receive a confirmation email shortly after submitting your form. If you do not, please check your spam folder. If you still do not receive it, please contact Amanda Berry at

On confirmation by our committee that the nominee qualifies as a finalist, 2 complimentary event tickets will be provided to the company.
