Investor Updates
EDAWN is a non-profit organization that depends on Investor support to accomplish our mission. Thank you to all our Investors for your continued support. Our continuing ability to attract, retain and grow quality companies in the Greater Reno-Sparks area would not be possible without you and our community partners!
Thank you to the following new EDAWN investors:
- Paul Davis Restoration and Western Nevada Supply, Co. have joined as a new Gold Investors!
- Gallagher Commercial Properties has joined as a Silver Investor!
If your company is not currently an investor with EDAWN and you are interested in becoming involved, please click here to download an investor packet or contact Sheila Imsdahl at 775.829.3704.

Partner Updates
The Stat Pack is a monthly business e-report, co-authored by Mike PeQueen of HighTower Las Vegas and John Restrepo of RCG Economics, with input from Brian Bonnefant of UNR. It combines important metrics relevant to business decision makers and financial commentary on current issues facing the Nevada economy. The Stat Pack features data and dialogue about the Southern and Northern Nevada economies. Here is last Friday’s Fact Pack!
The Nevada Economy in Brief provides a wealth of Nevada workforce and economic information and is published monthly by the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation / Research (DETR) and Analysis Bureau. For questions, please contact Ken Pierson at DETR. The economic pulse is an economic update provided by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED). Click here for more information.
Major Investor of the Week
Moody Weiske Contractors – Moody Weiske Contractors teams up with clients, architects, engineers, designers, and subcontractors throughout each project phase for commercial remodels and new construction. Established 1995, NCL #13490.
EDAWN Events

Save the Date! Join us as we welcome 30 companies who have chosen to locate or expand in the Greater Reno-Sparks region in 2018! This special reception is your opportunity to celebrate quality job creation and recognize the many outstanding companies which are the backbone of our regional economy.
EDAWN’s “New & Expanded Companies
Welcome Reception”
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Tuscany Ballroom
5:00 pm: Check-In
5:00 pm: Check-In
5:30 pm: Program (begins promptly at 5:30)
6:15 – 7:30 pm: Networking Reception
Registration will open soon!
Thank you to our Title Sponsors:

Thank you to our Event Sponsors:
Food Sponsor – CliftonLarsonAllen LLP
Beverage Sponsor – Brycon Corporation
Award Sponsor – Stark & Associates
Program Guide Sponsor – Meadows Bank
“EDAWN’s State of the Economy – Economic Update Luncheon”
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Atlantis Casino Resort
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Invitations will be emailed as the event nears
Please click here to view a list of EDAWN’s 2018 events. For more information, please contact Sheila Imsdahl or call 775.829.3704.