Resources for Local Startups

Greater Reno, Nevada

There are plenty of resources for local entrepreneurs. First, the Entrepreneurial Development Team at EDAWN has a dedicated website for local startups. Visit to access valuable resources, event information, news, and to make important connections.

inline illustration of a rocket and a hand holding a tree with text "Make Your Mark"

From the Biggest Little City in the World comes a podcast about Pioneers. Not the covered wagon types, the modern-day Pioneers exploring economic development, entrepreneurship and personal development.

Your Ace in the Hole



Accelerator Programs are sponsored by first class community leaders, investors and well-known movers and shakers. Accelerator programs help entrepreneurs cultivate their ideas and grow aggressively.


Take your ideas to the next step with the help of experienced professionals in the incubator programs. These valuable incubator programs enable startups to take scalable business ideas from beta / MVP into revenue-producing businesses.


Every Entrepreneur needs a business mentor. We help you find one! Get connected today.

Make Connections


Meet the people, go to the events, visit the spaces, help a startup and above all, have fun! See what’s happening right now. Visit networking resources.

Watering Holes

You never know who you’ll bump into or what big idea can sprout on a cocktail napkin. See where the locals gather an where deals are made.

Coworking Spaces

Find out where all the coworking spaces are and take advantage of A+ locations, well designed spaces and state-of-the-art video conferencing rooms. Could this be where your next deal goes down?

Find the Money and the People


Investors play a crucial role. Connect with investors that are actively funding deals and interested in your business.


In this environment, it’s all about who you know. We make sure there is no secret black book. Access many of the city’s key players by visiting the connectors page on It’s a modern-day interpretation of a rolodex.

Meet the people, browse the events and find the resources and connections you need to grow. Visit Startup Reno to get started.