Primary Company List

Searchable list of existing Primary Companies in the region: who they are and what they do.

Business License Information

The resources you need for state, county, and city business licenses in Northern Nevada.

Community Programs

Discover a wide range of community programs available in Reno, Nevada, dedicated to supporting local businesses, entrepreneurs, and job seekers.

Existing Industry Awards

Annual recognition for existing primary companies in the region.

Input from Experts

Access resources for new and existing businesses.

Expansion Incentives

State programs for existing primary company expansions.

Foreign Trade Zone

A Foreign Trade Zone summary and a downloadable Feasibility Analysis.


Access resources for new and existing businesses.

Other Resources

Other resources including an Industrial Supplier List, information about marketing to government entities, a Government Entities List and a Regional Organizations List.

Learn More is a one-stop location that helps job seekers find available positions and familiarize themselves with the Reno/Tahoe area. Resumes collected on Work. Live. Play go into the TAP Database. Companies are invited to register for TAP to gain access to talent.